Guidelines for AuthorsInstructions for abstract submission Contribution for both oral and poster presentations will be welcome in Spanish and English. ESLP is open to any research on situated and embodied language processing. This year, we particularly welcome submissions related to Learning and Education. We would also like to emphasize the cultural aspect of situatedness. Thus, research on Language, Culture and Cognition is also welcome.
Abstract Format Abstract should comply with the following guidelines. Font: Arial, 11 pts. Title: capital letters and bold. Text: alignment justified. Length: any combination of Text and Figures that fits in one A4 page. Authors: authors info should not be contained on your abstract, but please leave enough space to add authors names, affiliation and emails for the camera-ready version of your submission. Filetype: PDF Language: submissions can be sent in English and Spanish, but accepted abstracts should be translated to English for the camera-ready version.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ernesto Guerra: erguerrag@uc.cl